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Matt Preisser,GLIA Coordinator made the following announcement :

Hello Great Lakes Islands Alliance membership,

On behalf of Northland College and in partnership with the GLIA Steering Committee and other partners, we are excited to announce receipt of a new $50,000 grant from the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation:

This 18-month project will be instrumental for GLIA as it continues to grow and find its place within the region!  Expect details and discussion at the 3rd Annual Great Lakes Islands Summit on Mackinac Island in October (info and registration here).

Northland College will administer the grant in cooperation with project advisory team consisting of the GLIA Steering Committee; Jon W. Allan Group, LLC; the Island Institute; and the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (formerly Michigan Office of the Great Lakes).

Thanks – and congratulations – to Northland College for its continued support of GLIA!


Matt P
GLIA Coordinator

Matt Preisser
Lake Coordinator
Water Resources Division
Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy
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