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Despite the cold temperatures and fierce winds this past week, the following birds were observed

May 4, 2020 Incoming Birds. Sites and descriptions can be found on observed:

North End:

Harbor area: Double-crested Cormorants have returned, Common Mergansers, Hooded Mergansers, Red-breasted  Mergansers, very few Red-heads, Common Golden-eye, a Common Loon, Mallards, Canada Geese, and Ring-billed and Herring Gulls.

At north end lighthouse, two Killdeer and two Cliff Swallows. Site #1

A good spot for observing Yellow-rump Warblers singing this past week was along the road to Gull Harbor and the Pine Warblers were especially active on Pine Street (north beach).

LSB- Two Am. Kestrels checking out the nesting box.  Two Killdeer flew into the cow pasture. An Eastern Bluebird also on the top of a tree. Merlin at beach area. Site #12

White-throated and White-crowned Sparrows along Karnes Road and McCauley’s Road under junipers. Song and Chipping Sparrows are back.


Corner of Sloptown and Kings Highway: 2 mature Bald Eagles and one immature Bald Eagle soaring.

Snipesville/wetland south of Paid Een Og Road/ Site #31 on Beaver Island Birding Trail: American Bittern, Wilson’s Snipe and Sora heard on the east and the west side of Kings Highway. Northern Harrier and American Bittern seen flying on east side of wetland. Male Redwing Blackbirds active in area.  Birders know to never remove chicks from an area. Share this information with others who may be unaware. A Virginia Rail chick was taken to Dr. Jeff Powers and it did not survive. Remind people, if a chick is on the road, just scurry it off.  The parents will find it.

Red-tailed Hawk carrying a squirrel down the Fox Lake Road near Dawsons/Big Birch. Near site # 33

Camp 3 area quiet.  Wetland/small shallow pond before Camp #3 had 3 male Wood Ducks, a female Wood Duck, Canada Geese nesting, and male and female Blue-winged Teal. Beaver swam by and young raccoon observed scurrying away. Site #34

East Side:

Male Ring-necked Pheasant-just before Island Airways. (Introduced Asian species that made it through the winter). Near site #12

A Caspian Tern seen flying north along the east shore-5/3.

American Tree Swallow over Beaver Island Golf Coarse. Near Site #12

Pigeon-White with sable colored collar and wing bars-an unusual site on the island.  Has orange tag on right leg-PBB13738 and 2017. Chased from perch by Merlin. The Merlin cut off chase when over Lake Michigan. It has been sharing food below the bird feeders for the past week. Near Site # 16

Martin’s Bluff area:  Black-throated Green Warblers and Yellow-rump Warblers in maple trees. Site # 17

Johnny Martin’s gravel pit: two Belted Kingfishers and a Pine Warbler. Site # 16

Northern Goshawk-On 3/23 in area of a previous goshawk nest site, a positive sighting and calls observed. The area was rechecked on 4/27 and a loud alarm call was heard  from the Goshawk followed by flight over head, so backed away from site. 

Wishing you all good health and we look forward to your return to bird an under birded area in the near future!

Sora photo courtesy of Darrell Lawson-Gull Harbor, BI. “It almost walked over my foot.”
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