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As some of you are Preparing to Leave the Island for the Season, please consider donating your Unopened, Non-Perishable items to the Beaver Island Food Pantry. It is located at the Gregg Fellowship Center. In addition to financial assistance, The Beaver Island Food Pantry provides food items to individuals and families in need year-round “because we are a family.”Housed at the Gregg Fellowship Center of the Beaver Island Christian Church, this community pantry benefits young and old alike. Fall and winter are the times of greatest need.

Important donations are those which cannot be purchased using the SNAP(Food Stamp) program and include any nonfood items such as:

– Pet foods

– Cleaning supplies, paper products, and other household supplies.

– Hygiene items, cosmetics

– Vitamins and supplements

If you would like to donate pantry items, these non-perishable items are always needed: canned fruits and vegetables, canned beans, soups, tuna, canned chicken, canned spaghetti and ravioli, pasta sauce. We also need ramen, boxed macaroni and cheese, boxed potatoes and taco or burrito ingredients. Paper towels and toilet paper are also distributed at the pantry. And don’t forget to add some fun things(sweets) to your donation as well. Please help to provide full, warm bellies and huge smiles to your fellow islanders in need. Many of us have comfortable lives on Beaver Island, and donating a few canned goods or paper products would have an extremely minimal effect upon us, yet a huge impact on someone in need of those items. Please Help! Thank You!

Collection points for donations include the vestibule of the Beaver Island Christian Church, the Beaver Island Community Center, the Beaver Island Rural Health Center, Fresh Air Aviation, Holy Cross Church and Island Airways.Monetary donations are tax-deductible. Checks may be made out to the Beaver Island Christian Church. Please write Food Pantry on the memo line. the address is PO Box 21, Beaver Island, MI 49782. Or use the Donation button at the bottom of the home page of Joe Moore’s Beaver Island News on the Net at If you have questions, please call Judi Meister at 231.448.2963 or Beth Croswhite at 231.448.2820.

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