Wednesday morning at 10:00 there’s an ETIPP Information and Strategy meeting via Zoom with the island’s National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL) Advisor, Liz Weber. The island was the winner of an ETIPP grant and this meeting will kick off the process of working to plan for energy reliability, affordability and sustainability on the island. The ETIPP Island Institute Reps hope for a strong turnout from Island residents and decision-makers.
We are the only Great Lakes Island to have won free assistance from the DOE, Livermore Laboratories, and NREL (the National Renewable Energy Laboratoires) to plan an energy future!
Purpose of the Zoom:
- To engage more full time residents and key Island decision makers in BI Energy Transitions strategies.
- To Review and Agree on “Island Energy Priorities”: The “Island Energy Priorities” Draft below is based on feedback from Community Members and Island Leaders, as well as from 2017 Master Planning Report, and initial 2022 Master Planning input.
1. Energy Reliability – periodic (and sometimes frequent) energy outages on the Island are not just annoying but are costly in terms of human health (medical device needs, heating and cooling needs), medical and disaster response, business interruptions (in-the-moment as well as the re-booting of technology), refrigerated food and medicine loss, classroom education interruption, tourism impact, etc.
2. Energy Affordability – Affordable primary and back-up energy needs, with equitable pricing for all residents across the economic spectrum.
3. Local Energy Production & Usage Control –
a) Less reliance on the mainland’s energy production and distribution
b) Return on investments from community and individual energy production and distribution
c) Island employment and entrepreneurship in local energy transitions, production, distribution & storage.
4. Low Carbon, Renewable Energy Sources – Island resident desires as well as national and global trends.
As Beaver Island residents, planners, & business leaders, it is important to keep informed and engaged in the Island’s energy future and the decision making process.
Zoom link: BI Energy Priorities Zoom w NREL Advisor & Islands Institute Partners: (
A version of this article first appeared on