Tuesday, August 6, is election day on the island. The only things on the ballot are millage questions: 4 items only in Peaine and one in both townships. Here’s what’s up for voter’s review:
In Peaine township there are four millage renewals (although, technically, two of these expired in 2018): The Operational millage of four mills, Transfer Station millage of two-mills for five years; Fire Protection millage of one-mill–this for both fire protection and E-M-S, in the board’s discretion; and Medical center millage of two-mills for five years.
Both townships have a District library millage on the ballot. This measure would collect a one-mill levy from residents of both townships for four years.
Polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Tuesday in both townships. After the polls close, the ballots will be tabulated by each township and sent to the county. Listen for results on WVBI, or check in here late Tuesday evening.
Posted by Kevin Boyle, BIA President