The Association’s resource drawer at the Beaver Island Library has recently been restocked with articles and handouts on many topics related to island ecology and land use. We’ve also stocked copies of the Association’s new DVD “Environmental Quality in the Great Lakes Region.” The DVD includes three short videos, including “A Great Lakes Jewel,” “Invasive Phragmites,” and “It’s All Connected”. “A Great Lakes Jewel” is the video shown at our 2007 Annual Meeting, and is a guide to island ecology for visitors. “Invasive Phragmites” shows how this invasive grass species has choked our coastline, and describes efforts to combat the invasion. And “It’s All Connected” is a very helpful short video which describes how a septic system works and how to properly care for your system. All materials in the drawer are free for the taking, and courtesy of your Association.
Library Resource
Fall-Winter 2007