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Annual Meeting 23July2007

Fall-Winter 2007

The annual meeting of BIPOA was held Monday, July 23, 2007 at 7:30 p.m. in the Peaine Township Hall. Prior to the meeting there was a showing of the video Invasive Phragmites funded by Peaine Township.

President Jack Kelly welcomed everyone to the meeting. He invited attendees to join the organization and to renew current memberships and emphasized the importance of the organization. Jack introduced board members present: Annette Dashiell, treasurer; Doris Larson, secretary; Dan Wardlow, and Pam Grassmick.

The minutes of the annual meeting July 24, 2006, were approved as printed in the Fall/Winter newsletter.

Annette Dashiell presented the financial report for fiscal year 7/1/2006 to 6/30/07. The report was approved.

Jack complimented officers for the service to the organization.

Prior discussion of a name change for the organization resulted in the recommendation that the name Beaver Island Property Owner’s Association be maintained. The organization has established credibility and recognition and it seems unwise to make a change at this time. There was a suggestion from an attendee that the name “BI Community and Property Owner’s Assoc” be considered.

Jack reminded the membership that the primary thrust of BIPOA is to call attention to island concerns in relationship to island ecology and the economy. BIPOA is concerned primarily with education.

Jack introduced Brian Mastenbrook, the “Wildlife Biologist of the Year” in Michigan. Brian summarized the “Phragmites Treatment” program that has been proposed for this fall. The Michigan Department of Natural Resources in cooperation with both island townships and with input from BIPOA board members and CMU director Jim Gillingham has developed a process for treatment of phragmites on shoreline property. The program will take place between Aug.25 and Sept. 25. All shoreline property owners have been sent information about the program and have been asked to grant permission for treatment on their property and given the opportunity to donate to the cost of treatment. Bids were received from commercial herbicide contractors and Superior Environmental Aquatic Services was granted the contract for treatment. Brian emphasized the need to pool the resources of state, local and private funds in order to make treatment of the entire island shoreline possible. He estimates that approximately $13,000 will be needed for treatment.

Brian responded to questions from the membership. There was particular concern that all property owners who grant permission and contribute to the cost of treatment be assured that their property will receive treatment.
Many members expressed the need for ALL property owners to contribute, since this is an island-wide problem.

Doris Larson presented the slate of nominees for BIPOA board positions. The following persons were elected:

Peter Igoe
Jane Dwyer
Bruce Jacobson
Craig Schrotenboer

A recommendation was made that BIPOA address the issue of water quality in the Great Lakes. Several members endorsed the importance of this issue. (The Tip of the Mitt website was suggested as a source of information.)

Pam Grassmick and Barb Lucas were recognized and applauded for their work on the video A Great Lakes Jewel, a project of BIPOA with funds secured through grants. The meeting adjourned with the showing of this video. A DVD including A Great Lakes Jewel, Invasive Phragmites, and It’s All Connected was made available to all folks in attendance. The video will also be distributed at the library and the Chamber of Commerce and will be shown on the ferry and at the airports.

Meeting adjourned 8:50 p.m.


Doris Larson, secretary

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