Warblers on the Water Registration Open
Warblers on the Water is back for 2025 featuring field trips on the Beaver Island Birding Trail with registration open this morning (February 8) at 8:00 a.m. After a transition of leaders last year, our event is now back to its traditional full offering of activities. For 2025, we have arranged ten field trips (including two that will venture to the outer islands) and two presentations. The full schedule is just below.
We have invited a group of wonderful leaders who will guide us on a weekend of discovery. A full calendar of events is presented below. Guided field trips require registration, but the presentations are free and open to the public. Registration is not required, but it is encouraged so we are able to plan ahead.
Our headquarters for the weekend will be the Beaver Island Community Center. The BIC Center is conveniently located in town right across from the ferry dock. It serves as the trail head for the Beaver Island Birding trail as well as other island trails. Registration for events is hosted on the BIC Center ticket store in a section dedicated to the event: store.biccenter.org/warblers-on-the-water-2025.
Please make your plans early as Memorial Day is a busy time on the Island. Registration for ticketed events is now open here. Events at the BIC Center do not require advance registration.
Warblers on the Water and the Beaver Island Birding Trail are projects of the Beaver Island Association.

BIA Annual Meeting
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Birding Foray on the Beaver Announced
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Townships Announce Short-term Rental Listening Sessions
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Preparing for Emergencies on Beaver Island
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Peaine Parks & Recreation plan is out for final review
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Time to check trees for hemlock woolly adelgid
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Just Announced – Meet The Artist – Keith Grassmick
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Piping Plover nesting season is here
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