Summer 2012
Minutes of the 2012 Beaver Island Association Annual Meeting (PDF)
Minutes of the Annual Meeting
The annual meeting took place at the Beaver Island Community Center, Sunday, July 22, 2012, from 4:30 – 7:00. Guest speaker, David Fry, presented a valuable session, Saving the Family Cottage from 5:00 to 6:15. The meeting agenda included items preceding and following this presentation.
Meeting was called to order at 4:45 by Board President, Peter Igoe.
The following motions were made and approved:
• Approval of minutes from the 2011 annual meeting
• Re-elect Jim Jones to a new term on the Board of Directors
• Elect Lisa Welke to the Board of DirectorsBob Anderson, Treasurer, presented the BIA’s financial report (attached). The financial report was approved by the membership. Several brief presentations focused on the environmental activities on Beaver Island.
• Craig Schrotenboer shared information on the results of the Invasive Species Summit that was held on June 14th. He identified key actions for homeowners related to identification, removal, and maintenance designed to keep Beaver Island free of invasive species.
• Lisa Welke provided an update on the successful Phragmites eradication project, including information for continuing the initiative to prevent expansion of the small sites where they still exist.
• Pam Grassmick announced receipt of grants, including one for over $300,000.00 to continue the efforts to preserve the natural resources of Beaver Island.
• Jim Jones shared the Beaver Island Association mission brochure, requesting feedback from the overall membership.
• Ken McDonald announced the September 15th date for Beach Cleanup 2012 and described the success of the 2011 campaign, including participation by many of the BICS students.
Education initiatives included:
• Brief update by Taffy Raphael on the first annual Beaver Island Community School Career Day, chaired by Beth Crosswhite with support from Charlevoix ISD and members of the BICS alumni.
• Beth Leuck summarized information about summer lectures, linking education and the natural resources initiatives, including field trips led by CMU former and current staff.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:30, followed by a reception at the Community Center.
Minutes of the 2012 Beaver Island Association Annual Meeting (PDF)