We received the following message from Matt Preisser :
Greetings, Great Lakes Islands Alliance!
With concurrence from the GLIA Steering Committee, I am cancelling tomorrow’s regularly scheduled monthly GLIA call. We had a light agenda, given that its only been a few weeks since the Islands Summit. That said, since I have your attention I’d like to cover a few items over email.
First, please send positive thoughts to Lori Miller (Neebish Island) who had to leave Mackinac Island early due to serious illness. Thankfully she is on the mend. If you want to reach out, please contact Phylis Reed (phylisreed@icloud.com) or Diane Laitinen (dl9847laitinen@yahoo.com) and they will get her the message. GLIA wishes Lori a speedy recovery!
Second, in lieu of the call, I am assigning some homework for those who attended the 2019 Islands Summit! The Steering Committee would like to understand how the Summit info/experience gets brought back to each of the islands. Please type up a short email describing what you did with the info (e.g., who you talked to, what meetings you plan to attend, if you wrote an article, etc.). If you didn’t learn anything useful or aren’t doing any next steps, we’d like to know that too and better understand the barriers. Please send your email to Michael Childers (michaelfraychilders@yahoo.com) and copy me. Bonus points for islands who can consolidate input as a group.
Other GLIA Business
- GLIA Member List: if you are receiving this message, you are either an islander member or a partner organization that wishes to assist GLIA in some way. I am still editing the master spreadsheet and will send that out later. If you attend an Islands Summit, you are automatically “enrolled” but you may opt out. Please contact me if you do not wish to receive future GLIA communications (no shame/no worries if this is the case).
- 2019 Islands Summit report: this week I am starting to pull together an event summary. Overall my goal is to have this finalized by late Nov or early Dec.
- GLIA Outreach Materials: the GLIA brochure and 2018-2019 Annual Report (hard copies provided at Summit) are now both on the GLIA website, www.greatlakesislandsalliance.org (look under “About the GLIA”)
- Press Releases and Other Media: attached is a press release that Kristy Beyer (kristy@visitdrummondisland.com) drafted for use on Drummond Island. Please contact Kristy if you plan to use excerpts on your island. Mission Point Resort was planning on doing its own press release to hit some major newspapers but I haven’t seen it yet. If you have run your own story, we would love to see articles or links. Please email Kristy and me.
- Next Islands Summit save-the-date! October 4-7, 2020, a “progressive” Summit involving the four Lake Erie islands
Next call, Wed Dec 4 from 10-11am eastern.
GLIA Coordinator
Matt Preisser
Water Resources Division
Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy
517-256-5276 (new) | PreisserM@Michigan.gov
Follow Us | Michigan.gov/EGLE