The Beaver Island Waste Management Committee, a joint committee composed of residents from both Peaine and St. James Townships, met on January 21, 2020 at the Peaine Township Hall. The seven member committee unanimously approved three motions and they were:
- Committee Priorities for 2020
- Recommendation to the Township Boards to approve an across the board pay raise of 3% for all full and part-time Transfer Station and Recycle Center personnel. (The effective date for the raises is March 1, 2020)
- Recommendation to the Township Boards to approve an up-dated position description for the Transfer Station & Recycle Center Manager
The Chair, Paul Cole, indicated the committee will address Personnel Performance Evaluation Policy and Procedures at the next scheduled meeting of the committee, which is set for 1:00 pm on February 18, 2020 at the Peaine Township Hall.
The chair reminded committee members that they will re-convene on February 11 for a Special Meeting on Blight. This Special Meeting is set to begin at 2:00 pm at the Peaine Township Hall. The meeting agenda includes two items:
- Public discussion on how the Beaver Island Transfer Station and Recycle Center may assist the townships to address blight in sight, such as inoperable cars, damaged marine equipment, discarded used tires, old appliances, broken machinery, castaway furniture or similar items.
- Committee work session on developing and implementing a plan in which the Transfer Station and Recycle Center may assist and encourage residents to legally dispose of junk, litter and debris. Use of car compactor (crusher) will be discussed.
All interested parties are encouraged to attend.