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Our friends at the Michigan Sea Grant and Michigan State University Extension Office sent us information on some learn-at-home videos they say will be of interest and are appropriate for the entire family. Their email follows below. Please stay safe and well.

Join us for 5 fun-filled, family friendly videos jam-packed full of Great Lakes fun facts, activity suggestions for your family, and daily challenges. Each day we will provide a high-energy video that engages people of all ages in learning about the Great Lakes and activities you can do right at home!

Videos will be live streamed and recorded each day at 10:30am – 11am. Videos start Monday, March 23rd and will go through at least March 27th. The first 20 minutes of the video will be activities and fun, engaging content, followed by 10 minutes for Q&A — as well as a family challenge!

To watch the video via Zoom, visit Visit to download Zoom.Viewers can also watch virtually with friends on the MI Sea Grant Facebook Page, where it will be live streamed.

Families that complete all 5 challenges from the first week will be emailed a Great Lakes Jr. Scientist certificate to print and proudly display at home. 

Topics for each day include:

·        Monday 3/23 – Birdventures! Explore fascinating Great Lakes birds 

·        Tuesday 3/24 – Be a Great Lakes Hero: Stop marine debris!

·        Wednesday 3/25 – One Fish, Two Fish, Make a Dish, Eat a Fish!

·        Thursday 3/26 – Great Lakes, Great Films, Great Writers

·        Friday 3/27 – Lake Effect: The crazy winds of the Great Lakes

Each topic will incorporate Great Lakes Literacy Principles helping increase understanding and stewardship of the Great Lakes.

If viewers miss a live stream, catch past videos, along with lots of other great MI Sea Grant videos and activities, on our website

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