We received the following information from NOAA about an upcoming webinar that may be of interest to BIA members:
You are invited to join NOAA in the Great Lakes for a webinar addressing water levels in the Great Lakes.
It is not yet spring and already the five Great Lakes are currently near or exceeding record levels due to an abundance of precipitation, highlighted by rainfall and snow melt. Impacts from these levels are widespread and present a number of challenges to those in and around the basin.
We would like to invite you to a multi-partner public webinar on April 13 at 11 am EDT where we will share information on the following:
- The conditions that contributed to the high water levels
- The climate outlook from 2 weeks through the next season
- Some of the impacts from high lake levels
- The typical watches and warnings that may occur around the Lakes due to high levels
- An outlook for the lake levels themselves
We plan on taking questions at the end that the panel of experts can respond to.
Our panelists will include:
Doug Kluck – NOAA Central Regional Climate Services Director
Jeff Andreson – Michigan State Climatologist
John Allis – Army Corps of Engineers
Brandon Krumweide – NOAA NOS office for Coastal Management.
Gary Garnet – NOAA National Weather Service
Please sign up here:https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/2805844127483824140