One of the most essential services for an island community, is how to discard of trash and large objects from private property. The Beaver Island Waste Management Committee (WMC) is back on track to improving trash removal after a hiatus during the last couple of years. At the June 16th meeting, the members discussed a web page development for the Transfer Station, deliberations for mobilizing a car crusher (17 years since the last one) and a request for an RFP from the WMC to both townships for a bailer to deal with metal (roughly $9000.00 from each township). Bob Marsh discussed the tire removal grant through Charlevoix County for July and August. The Transfer Station will begin collecting old tires for removal shortly. Frank D’Andrea discussed Michigan’s Adopt-a-Highway Clean-up program that requires participation with three clean-ups per year. July 18th-26th will be the next opportunity for island roadway clean-up. A new credit card system is in place for public use when paying by credit or debit cards at the Transfer Station. A staff in-service for the Square system is necessary prior to deployment.
A comprehensive discussion regarding the needs of property owners requested WMC/Transfer Station assistance in the removal of large objects. It was presented by Brock Rosema and addressed by committee members. Fire issues, degradation of wetlands, and the need for improved township surveillance of special permit uses were also identified. Several concrete steps were identified to deal with tire and general debris removal. One example is that the WMC, with help of Transfer Station staff, will develop a list of mainland resources for items that do not meet routine disposal items. Rosema to meet with Marsh and Butler for further assistance with his removal needs in addition to a site visit by WMC members.