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In an email to parents, Wil Cwikiel has announced BICS’s decision to move pre-K to 8th grade students to online learning for at least the two days they would have been in school this coming week.  High school students began online instruction last Wednesday in response to the latest State Health Department order.  Plans for after Thanksgiving for pre-K to 8th grade are up in the air for now.  High school students are required to stay out through December 8th.

Here’s the full text of Mr. Cwikiel’s email:

Hello Everyone,

Due to community spread of COVID-19  in Beaver Island, BICS will have remote instruction for all grades PK-12  tomorrow and Tuesday.

This should not be an  issue for our High School students, as they were already planning to be  remote. However, there are some logistics to address at the MS and  Elementary level.

For MS students, since first  hour is SSR, all students should take this time to read as they normally  would. Parents, If your MS student needs their Chromebook or other  educational materials, please follow the directions below for Elementary  parents. MS and HS students will be on their normal schedule.

Since  our elementary students were not planning to have remote learning, and  typically do not take home their Chromebooks, books, and other  educational materials, Monday morning will be a time for parents to come  to the school and pickup these materials at the curb. The actual remote  learning will begin at 12:00 noon when K-2 students connect with Dr.  Dunsmore and 3-6 grade students connect with Mrs. Robert.

Parents  of MS and Elementary Students, to collect your students’ Chromebooks,  books, or other educational materials, we will have a pick up time  tomorrow (Monday) morning from 8:30 until 11:30 am. Please call the  school or my cell phone number (231) 838-5334 to set up a time for you  to come to school during those hours. Please call ahead of time so I can  gather your student’s materials. Come to the circle drive and stay in  your car. I will bring the materials out to you.

Indeed,  we were all hoping that we would be able to keep BICS open throughout  the pandemic. In the interest of halting the spread of this virus on the  Island, I feel that BICS must move to remote learning at all grade  levels. The MS and HS classes will continue on their schedule…and the  elementary classrooms will meet at 12:00 noon on Monday. The Elementary  teachers will explain the schedule for Tuesday. P-K will not meet on  Monday, but Miss Patti will be in touch with P-K parents for the  schedule for Tuesday.

We will have more  information on Tuesday afternoon regarding when we will be back to  school face to face after Thanksgiving. But for now, PLEASE do  everything you can to stop the spread on the Island.

Take Care,


Wilfred Cwikiel, Superintendent-Principal
Beaver Island Community School
(231) 448-2744

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