The Health Department of Northwest Michigan has asked that all islanders who are 16 and older and who are still awaiting COVID vaccination to complete a survey at this link: https://patienteducationgenius.jotform.com/z/HDNWM. The information will be used to plan for an island vaccination clinic in early April. After you register you will be contacted by the health department when appointments are available. State guidelines for vaccination eligibility groups has broadened. According the health department persons 16+ with medical conditions, disabilities are eligible for the vaccine starting March 22 and all Michiganders 16+ are eligible on April 5.
Island seniors who need assistance with filling out the survey, contact Lonnie Allen at 448-2124 or allenl@charlevoixcounty.org. Lonnie Allen is the Council on Aging site Coordinator for Beaver Island.
More information about the planned clinic and about COVID-19 in general is available on the WVBI COVID-19 Info page: https://wvbi.biccenter.org/covid-19. The latest notice form the townships is available here: https://wvbi.biccenter.org/next-covid-vaccine-clinic-for-island-being-planned-townships-issue-updated-covid-19-statement-with-vaccination-signup-info