by Lisa Borre
DATE – August 18, 2021
TIME – 4:00pm – 6:00pm
LOCATION – Beaver Island Community Center
26215 Main Street, Beaver Island, MI, 49782
Dr. Jo Latimore, an aquatic ecologist and outreach specialist at Michigan State University, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, will give a public lecture: “Inland Lake Stewardship: How to protect the gems of Beaver Island.” Dr. Latimore works collaboratively with natural resource managers, communities, and the public to develop innovative solutions to the complex challenges facing aquatic systems. Her work includes guiding Michigan’s statewide volunteer lake and stream monitoring program, which now includes Beaver Island’s inland lakes, and developing creative approaches to prevent the introduction and spread of aquatic invasive species.
The informational meeting will also include a presentation by Shelby Harris, Terrestrial Invasive Species (TIS) Administrator for St. James and Peaine Townships, on the island’s terrestrial invasive species, including updates about the control of phragmites and narrow-leaf cattails that grow along the lake shores.
There will be time for Q&A and informal conversation with both speakers.
Light refreshments will be served.