Please help Beaver Island to provide reliable
transportation for conservationists, researchers,
tribal biologists, and service providers.
Whether it be invasive species monitoring and control, beach cleanups, or forest fire prevention, it all requires traveling rough roads in sometimes harsh conditions. Help us spend less time fixing broken down vehicles, and more time getting the real work done!
Please share this information with
as many people as possible.
Vote once each day, if you can.
Generations to come will thank you!
Hi Folks,
Awesome news-we are finalists for the Range Rover Defender Above & Beyond Service Award in the Environmental Category!
We all recognize the need for a dependable vehicle to get people around Beaver Island to do important work to preserve the island’s natural and cultural heritage. Currently the CAKE/DNR invasive species team has a van without brakes. Weeks before, they had a tire almost fall off. We have a chance to bring a badly needed vehicle to Beaver Island for our work through the Range Rover Environmental Award.
We submitted a 3 minute video which shows it will be used as a vehicle of collaboration. This vehicle will be available to all of Beaver Island Association’s partners: LTC, CAKE, MNFI, tribal, regional, state, and federal organizations,
Now where you come in to help us win this: Beginning August 11 at 10:30 am, you need to vote for the Beaver Island Association. Please note, each person can vote once per day per category starting at 10:30 am ET on Wednesday, August 11 through August 23, 2021 at 11:59 pm ET. Please do an email blast to everyone you know. We’ve gotten this far…let’s keep going and win this beast to help us preserve Beaver Island.
The video can be viewed here along with VOTING:
Thank you for voting to protect our islands’ natural resources.