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The following Press Release is from the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy.

The Council on Climate Solutions will discuss equity and environmental justice issues at its meeting next week as it works with the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) and the Office of Climate and Energy to develop an effective and equitable strategy to achieve economywide carbon neutrality by 2050 in Michigan.

When: 3-5 p.m. Tuesday, August 24.  A draft agenda is posted online.

How to join: Online meeting link and phone number are posted to (after navigating to page, click on “More About the Council” button).

Of note: Individuals needing language assistance or accommodations for effective participation at the meeting should contact Kimber Frantz at or 517-284-5035 prior to the event to request language, mobility, visual, hearing, translation and/or other assistance.

Background: Fourteen state residents appointed by Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and representatives of several state departments make up the Council, with EGLE Director Liesl Clark as chair. The Council will advise EGLE in forming the MI Healthy Climate Plan, the governor’s action plan to protect public health, create clean energy jobs, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and transition toward statewide carbon neutrality.

Public participation in the planning process: Email topical comments to the council or its five workgroups:

Council on Climate Solutions:
Buildings and Housing Workgroup:
Energy Intensive Industries Workgroup:
Energy Production, Transmission, Distribution, and Storage Workgroup:
Natural Working Lands and Forest Products Workgroup:
Transportation and Mobility Workgroup: Recordings of previous Council meetings and two public listening sessions can be accessed through

EGLE does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, religion, age, national origin, color, marital status, disability, political beliefs, height, weight, genetic information or sexual orientation in the administration of any of its programs or activities, and prohibits intimidation and retaliation, as required by applicable laws and regulations. Sign up to receive updates about EGLE’s climate and Catalyst Communities initiatives at

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