Register now for fall sessions
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“Fowl play” (9 a.m. Wednesday, Sept. 15) explores the work of protecting Michigan’s managed waterfowl hunt areas from the threat of invasive species including phragmites. DNR wildlife biologists Jeremiah Heise from Nayanquing Point State Wildlife Area and Zach Cooley from Pointe Mouillee State Game Area share their experiences and techniques for managing and restoring Michigan’s Wetland Wonders to provide prime habitat for waterfowl viewing and hunting.
“Just do it!” (9 a.m. Thursday, Oct. 21) offers an invitation to learn about invasive species management by volunteering for a state park stewardship workday. DNR natural resource stewards Kelsey Dillon and Emily Leslie will share information about the program and its focus on special habitat areas in need of protection. Fall opportunities include woody invasive plant removal at state parks. Learn how you can get involved in preserving your favorite places for future generations.
If you are new to the series, it’s easy to catch up on topics including collaborative efforts in invasive carp management, early detection and response for aquatic invasive species, and the threat posed by spotted lanternfly. Recorded versions of all previous NotMISpecies webinars are available at Michigan.gov/EGLEEventsunder “Featured Webinar Series.”
Michigan’s Invasive Species Program, a collaborative effort of the departments of Natural Resources; Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy; and Agriculture and Rural Development, coordinates and supports invasive species initiatives across the state and provides support through the Michigan Invasive Species Grant Program.