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After all your support in voting daily for the Beaver Island Association in the Land Rover video competition, it is now time to hopefully reap the reward for all the labor. Land Rover is announcing the winner of the competition on Tuesday September 28th.Your BIA will be part of a live webcast including all five finalists and you are welcome to join us for it in the theater at the BIC Center. Showtime is 3:00 p.m. Come help us to celebrate at the Land Rover Award Ceremony. Even if we do not win a Land Rover, it looks like we will be receiving a $3000 grant from a foundation that was so impressed by our video, they asked us to submit grant request.

Thank you French Foundation!

DATE : September 28, 2021

TIME : 3:00pm – 3:30pm

LOCATION: Beaver Island Community Center – 26215 Main Street, Beaver Island, MI, 49782

If you aren’t able to attend in person, you can find a link to the webcast here:

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