St James Township is working with a consultant, Fleis & Vandenbrink, to update the current five year Parks and Recreation Plan with its Harbor Addendum. This updating, which will help the township gain state and federal grants, is occurring now given the 2/1/23 submittal deadline in accordance with the Michigan Dept of Natural Resources deadline.
The township is interested in having your input on this plan as it is presently drafted. This input may be provided by sending an email to Shelby Harris at the enclosed email address or written comments to the township supervisor Bobbi Welke at PO Box 85, Beaver Island, MI 49782. Or you can participate in the Public Hearing which is scheduled for January 19, 2023 at 5:30 at the BIC Center.
Planning Commission Chair Lori Taylor-Blitz asks that you please review the current draft of the plan. It is available for download here. The portions that are highlighted are undergoing updating.