St. James Township Board met Wednesday evening, November 6. The meeting covered a lot of ground. Notable discussion concerned progress on the Anderson Marina project. With the closing of the deal, the township is busy working with the Andersons and the Woollam Foundation on transition matters. The Woollam project manager will be on the island next week to go over a transition tasks list. Already on the list is securing the docks for the winter. The bubblers are out for maintenance and should be back to be installed soon along with two new units. Dock work is also underway along with some transition training on winterizing the marina facilities. The Board also discussed major goals for the coming year. Key on the list are recycling and trash management. Also, St. James is interested in working with Peaine to hire a grant writer to work on projects both townships.
Dick Mulvihill attended the meeting. Kevin Boyle prepared this report from Dick’s notes.