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The Charlevoix-Antrim-Kalkaska-Emmet CISMA invasive species team will be back to the island in late February or early March to do their spring survey and check on HWA. If you request it, they will survey your property while they are here. Below is a press release from the team with more information about their visit and details on how you can sign up for a survey of your property.

CAKE CISMA surveys for Hemlock Woolly Adelgid

Hemlock Woolly Adelgid: What is it?

  • Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (HWA) is a tiny invasive insect native to Japan.
  • It targets and kills hemlock trees. HWA sucks moisture and nutrients from tree needles and shoots.
  • HWA are best seen on the undersides of branches and at the base of needles
  • More than 176 million hemlocks in Michigan are at risk of being affected by this invasive insect.
  • If you notice white, waxy material at the base of the needles on a hemlock tree, do not move it from the site; take photos, note the location and report it.

CAKE CISMA: Who are we?

  • We are your local organization that coordinates all invasive species management and conservation engagement for the county!
  • Please reach out to us, if you have any questions about invasive plants in the community or on your property.

Want your Hemlock Trees surveyed, for free?

CAKE CISMA has been sub-awarded funds from The DNR to survey Hemlocks in our area. The goal is to determine how far north HWA has spread from southwest MI. These funds allow us to include private property in the survey at no cost to the landowner.

If you would like your Hemlocks surveyed for HWA, contact us to fill out a permission form. [Editor’s Note: We’ve also posted a copy of the form here:]

Phone: 231-533-8363.  Email:

The following video provides additional information about the HWA.

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