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BIA Initiatives: Beaver Island Birding Trail

BIA Initiatives: Beaver Island Birding Trail

The BIA organized and developed the Beaver Island Birding Trail and, with the leadership of Pam Grassmick, presents an annual Warblers on the Water Beaver Island Birding Trail Festival. The trail includes multiple locations around the island with descriptive signage...

High Water Summit is Tuesday

Time is running out to register for the BIA-Tip of the Mitt Watershed COuncil High Water Summit being held on Tuesday, August 25 at noon. Follow this link to register:
Warblers on the Water Registration Open

Warblers on the Water Registration Open

Warblers on the Water is back for 2025 featuring field trips on the Beaver Island Birding Trail with registration open this morning (February 8) at 8:00 a.m. After a transition of leaders last year, our event is now back to its traditional full offering of activities....
BIA Annual Meeting

BIA Annual Meeting

Your BIA held its annual meeting on August 13th. There was a good turn out to hear the Association’s volunteers report on current activities. The presentations shown at the meeting are available here. The meeting included a report on Broadband and the efforts of...
Birding Foray on the Beaver Announced

Birding Foray on the Beaver Announced

The Beaver Island Birding Trail Memorial Day Festival is on for 2024 After 10 wonderful years we are undergoing a leadership transition, and with limited time constraints, we are having a smaller festival this year: the Birding Foray on the Beaver. Beaver Island is in...

Waste Management Committee Blight Survey

The Island’s Waste Management Committee is working on securing grant funding to help protect the island’s environment.  To support grant applications with the required data they have a survey out designed to identify blighted locations on the island. ...


For those of us who were not lucky enough to have been on the island earlier this year for the unveiling, The Grassmick Mural is a “must see”. The BIDL is so fortunate to have a work of art that so accurately captures key elements of Beaver Island. Please...
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