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Beaver Island Lake Ecology Workshop

A Beaver Island Lake Ecology Workshop will be held Monday, July 11th, 9:30 am – 2:00 pm at CMU Biological Station with an optional field trip to Barney’s Lake on the same day at 3:30 – 5:00 pm. This hands-on program is presented by Erick Elgin and...
Lake Michigan Salinity

Lake Michigan Salinity

Concerns about Lake Michigan seem to have subsided of late—along with the water level.  But, it turns out the lake that is trumpeted as salt free is, in fact, getting saltier. Lily Bohlke produced a story about it for Michigan News connection: The Great Lakes hold...

WE NEED YOUR HELP Please help Beaver Island to provide reliable  transportation for conservationists, researchers,  tribal biologists, and service providers....

Time to check trees for hemlock woolly adelgid

Michigan Department of Natural Resources sent this bulletin at 12/01/2020 09:49 AM EST The recent discovery of hemlock woolly adelgid as far north as Ludington State Park in Mason County is a reminder of the importance of checking hemlock trees for signs of the...
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